A list of saved passwords will now appear, accompanied by their corresponding website and username. While on the Chrome Web Store page for an extension, click on the Chrome Extension Source Viewer CRX icon next to the URL. Tap the three dots in the upper-right corner of the Chrome app. Open the Chrome Web Store page for each extension you wish to check.

You can search the parsed XML with the default editor search engine (Ctrl+F). The editors shortcut list is available here. This is done using the high performance editor: Ace (). It can handle large XML files because only the visible part of the XML is rendered.
We found them so convenient to use that we wondered why they weren't enabled by default. Follow the instructions below to show your saved Chrome passwords on Android or iOS devices. XML Online Viewer is a fast and simple XML visualizer. More options can be found under the View menu, where you can toggle to use the Preview Pane and Quick Filter. The information is quite exhaustive, but it doesn't feel overwhelming. Double-clicking on a cache element on the list will bring up additional details about it, such as the URL, content type, as well as last accessed and server time and name, and so on. The interface is a simplistic, functional one, and it does the job just fine. This was especially facilitated by the way the program organized the data, allowing us to sort by content type. Regardless, we were able to retrieve some of the photos we'd seen on a website without having to explicitly navigate to it. This lets you view your Google Chrome cache very simply. For instance, if you wanted to find an image you'd recently seen on some site, this app could help with that. Perhaps one of the reasons one may want to check their browser's cache has to do with accessing specific stored data from a website. ChromeCacheView is a step in the right direction, insofar as it groups up your browser cache in a more comprehensible manner in a single app. But viewing your browser cache hardly ever was about that. That kind of digging isn't the most casual-user-friendly, in truth. GPUCache is located under /data/data//appchrome/Default/.
That data isn't readily accessible, and you have to do some digging to get to it. Like other Android apps, Chrome for Android stores the cache under its data directory which is /data/data//cache. When you surf the internet, data is stored in your browser's cache so as to speed up navigation between pages.