The effect of this is that when a channel is selected it connects the wire coming into channel 3 (the lone red wire) to one of 8 wires connected to the 8 output channels. The 9th wire is the input to the 4051 (pin 3). All 8 channel outputs are connected to a 9-wire control harness. The inhibit line is set HIGH to turn off all channels (so as if no button is pressed) and then set LOW to allow for a channel to be open, making the Speak and Spell think a button was pressed. Random values are sent to the channel select inputs.

The Arduino is connected to the 4051 to control the inhibit line and the 3 inputs for controlling which channel is selected. Really low values may glitch, which is fine! The potentiometer controls how long of a delay between the circuit turning on a channel. Too low a value prevents the sounds from playing. Pins 2-4-7 are in order of the bits (and control lines A B C) from low to high. * Convert this to binary for selecting the output channel 0.7. Once I switched to a single power supply everything worked. I know because I had two supplies (wall warts), grounded through the Arduino and while I could read the sensor data, I could not control opening and closing the channels. Using multiple power supplies may fail, even if you ground the Arduino to the other supply. The simplest way to do this is use a SINGLE power supply for everything. * It is critical that the Arduino and external circuits share a common ground so the analog input can be read properly. read voltage from analog input 0 use for control of delay between blinks value is 0-1023 the 4051 is 8 channel so pick a random channel from 0 to 7. the loop function runs over and over again forever

prepare to write data to serial port for troubleshooting initialize digital pins 2, 4, and 7 as output for writing to the 4051 ABC channel select pins the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board